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Can you fathom it...

Four twenty-five two thousand and twenty-four
In a century our words will be read no more.
Petrified like wood
Floating down river
Slowly pilling away layer of bark
After layer
Until we see it later in the next life…
The metamorphosis has transformed
This decayed form into the ever living spirit
Gliding through the spiritual realm
Contemplating questions that were never
Truly explained like
Why there are more hot dogs than buns per pack?
Why humans are the only mammals that consumes another animal’s milk?
Inside this invisible space where time and hunger are irrelevant
Viewing the past, present, and future
Without thoughts of unspeakable mischief…
Like altering the past to manipulate the outcome of the future or
Playing God
As if my little mind could truly could fathom it…

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