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Hello there.  I was recently asked to put together some words on Ezekiel 16 and 17.  Here is the first of three messages.  The Ezekiel scripture is quite long so I have printed it at the bottom of the message. 

Ezekiel 16:23-16:63, Psalm 131:1-3
The film Fatal Attraction is about a married man who sees a woman and in doing so sees something sweet and satisfying for his desires. 
His affair leads to a web of emotional blackmail and non-negotiable agreements, the breaking of which threatened severe consequences. 
The man finds himself trapped and imprisoned by the thing that originally looked so appealing and thirst quenching.
The message in Ezekiel 16 addresses the Israelites who were in a very similar situation.  The wife of the character in the film was a very normal, not very strong person. 
However, the Husband of the Israelites was a Holy, perfect and powerful God who was filled with wrath.
The metaphor given to Ezekiel provides graphic, harsh and explicit pictures and imagery of Jerusalem.  Adultery is the crime here and adultery is a
consuming fire that threatens to destroy all in its path.  We are invited here to consider the term adultery beyond the realms of its physical aspect.
Earlier in this chapter, Ezekiel speaks of God’s love of Israel.  Israel used the clothes God gave her to make shrines.  We see this in the worship of idols,
one of the most well known being the golden calf made when the Israelites were tired of waiting on her Husband. 
As well as turning their worship away from God throughout the years, the Israelites also saw the alliance with other nations as more satisfying than
the infinite satisfaction of her Husband.  She makes political treaties with other countries when they had a holy covenant with the Lord of Hosts.
The treaties looked sweet and inviting however they led to emptiness and imprisonment.  But when we feed on anything that is not God, it will never be enough,
and the Israelites insatiability increased further until she found herself flipping between Egypt and Babylon for satisfaction. 
This eventually led Israel into the disgraced position of making huge levy payments to ensure political stability.  She had found herself trapped and imprisoned. 
In the allegory given to Ezekiel this is described as a prostitute paying her clientele in her desire to maintain her covenant with them rather than her husband.
There are many paths that can lead us to this situation.  God judged and punished Israel so that His anger would subside.  He did this because He is a just God. 
But He also remained faithful to His wife even though she did not deserve it.  What does this point to?
We have sinned, God arranged for His Son to be punished for us and now, even though we do not deserve it,
our submission to Him does not only allow for peace with Him, He has enabled us to be His bride forever.

Steve Harewood 


23 ‘“Woe! Woe to you, declares the Sovereign Lord. In addition to all your other wickedness, 24 you built a mound for yourself and made a lofty shrine in every public square. 25 At every street corner you built your lofty shrines and degraded your beauty, spreading your legs with increasing promiscuity to anyone who passed by. 26 You engaged in prostitution with the Egyptians, your neighbours with large genitals, and aroused my anger with your increasing promiscuity. 27 So I stretched out my hand against you and reduced your territory; I gave you over to the greed of your enemies, the daughters of the Philistines, who were shocked by your lewd conduct. 28 You engaged in prostitution with the Assyrians too, because you were insatiable; and even after that, you still were not satisfied. 29 Then you increased your promiscuity to include Babylonia,a]">[a] a land of merchants, but even with this you were not satisfied.

30 ‘“I am filled with fury against you,b]">[b] declares the Sovereign Lord, when you do all these things, acting like a brazen prostitute! 31 When you built your mounds at every street corner and made your lofty shrines in every public square, you were unlike a prostitute, because you scorned payment.

32 ‘“You adulterous wife! You prefer strangers to your own husband! 33 All prostitutes receive gifts, but you give gifts to all your lovers, bribing them to come to you from everywhere for your illicit favours. 34 So in your prostitution you are the opposite of others; no one runs after you for your favours. You are the very opposite, for you give payment and none is given to you.

35 ‘“Therefore, you prostitute, hear the word of the Lord! 36 This is what the Sovereign Lord says: because you poured out your lust and exposed your naked body in your promiscuity with your lovers, and because of all your detestable idols, and because you gave them your children’s blood, 37 therefore I am going to gather all your lovers, with whom you found pleasure, those you loved as well as those you hated. I will gather them against you from all around and will strip you in front of them, and they will see you stark naked. 38 I will sentence you to the punishment of women who commit adultery and who shed blood; I will bring on you the blood vengeance of my wrath and jealous anger. 39 Then I will deliver you into the hands of your lovers, and they will tear down your mounds and destroy your lofty shrines. They will strip you of your clothes and take your fine jewellery and leave you stark naked. 40 They will bring a mob against you, who will stone you and hack you to pieces with their swords. 41 They will burn down your houses and inflict punishment on you in the sight of many women. I will put a stop to your prostitution, and you will no longer pay your lovers. 42 Then my wrath against you will subside and my jealous anger will turn away from you; I will be calm and no longer angry.

43 ‘“Because you did not remember the days of your youth but enraged me with all these things, I will surely bring down on your head what you have done, declares the Sovereign Lord. Did you not add lewdness to all your other detestable practices?

44 ‘“Everyone who quotes proverbs will quote this proverb about you: ‘Like mother, like daughter.’ 45 You are a true daughter of your mother, who despised her husband and her children; and you are a true sister of your sisters, who despised their husbands and their children. Your mother was a Hittite and your father an Amorite. 46 Your elder sister was Samaria, who lived to the north of you with her daughters; and your younger sister, who lived to the south of you with her daughters, was Sodom. 47 You not only followed their ways and copied their detestable practices, but in all your ways you soon became more depraved than they. 48 As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, your sister Sodom and her daughters never did what you and your daughters have done.

49 ‘“Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: she and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen. 51 Samaria did not commit half the sins you did. You have done more detestable things than they, and have made your sisters seem righteous by all these things you have done. 52 Bear your disgrace, for you have furnished some justification for your sisters. Because your sins were more vile than theirs, they appear more righteous than you. So then, be ashamed and bear your disgrace, for you have made your sisters appear righteous.

53 ‘“However, I will restore the fortunes of Sodom and her daughters and of Samaria and her daughters, and your fortunes along with them, 54 so that you may bear your disgrace and be ashamed of all you have done in giving them comfort. 55 And your sisters, Sodom with her daughters and Samaria with her daughters, will return to what they were before; and you and your daughters will return to what you were before. 56 You would not even mention your sister Sodom in the day of your pride, 57 before your wickedness was uncovered. Even so, you are now scorned by the daughters of Edomc]">[c] and all her neighbours and the daughters of the Philistines – all those around you who despise you. 58 You will bear the consequences of your lewdness and your detestable practices, declares the Lord.

59 ‘“This is what the Sovereign Lord says: I will deal with you as you deserve, because you have despised my oath by breaking the covenant. 60 Yet I will remember the covenant I made with you in the days of your youth, and I will establish an everlasting covenant with you. 61 Then you will remember your ways and be ashamed when you receive your sisters, both those who are older than you and those who are younger. I will give them to you as daughters, but not on the basis of my covenant with you. 62 So I will establish my covenant with you, and you will know that I am the Lord. 63 Then, when I make atonement for you for all you have done, you will remember and be ashamed and never again open your mouth because of your humiliation, declares the Sovereign Lord.”’

(Scripture taken from Biblegateway http://www.biblegateway.com)

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(NEAR) FATAL ATTRACTION. Bible study on Ezekiel 16