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At the end of it all
they came together smiling
clapped hands and clasped bosoms
hugs she would usually have been reticent to accept
in other circumstances
closeness being an unseemly burden.

At the end of it all
they had shared a history
but their histories
would grow separate
no longer the requirements of the individual
to come together to create a whole
their smiles
seemed out of reach, distant
she felt a disconnection
even from herself.

At the end of it all
she had a piece of paper to testify
she'd shared time with them
she stared into it now
looking for something approximating
the table where they sat together laughing
or nodding solemnly, knowing in unison,
a collective of reverence, acceptance,
kindness, respect.

At the end of it all
she felt the space of the
glass more than half emptied
the pang of it throbbing
how quickly time grabs the moments
and gobbles them up...
"Don't we all go by in a blink?"
...a thought too painful to think she put it away
though the thorn of its sorrow
tore a hole in the fabric of her mind
kept pricking.

Copyright December 8, 2012
All Rights are Reserved By this Author
Melissa A Howells /Meloo from her Tilt-a-World

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