iCry:` `( ToBeWithFaronWhoseHomeIsNowInHeaven

1,768,480 poems read

They Hungered To Be Mere Neighbor®

Oh the envy of the neighborhood
and no other love birds had it so good....

This most beautiful scene in OUR backyard
to look at it now is most hard,
not just for obvious reason
but because it hasn't weathered the harsh season!
The bench is 2 angels
where could rest any tired souls,
the clam like the sea birdbath where they'd play
and drink the day away!
Oh how it was so sweet
to look out window at bird's tweet
while reborn dancin and splashin their little feet!
Precious Faron laid each beautiful stone out
so masterfully what He was/is all about,
His Precious Hands Touched Every Piece
Seeing That Memory Will Never Cease!
So i thought how fitting His Monument Be
a closeup of Heaven He Brought To Me,
and to the world just for being here
a glimpse of what i had fully all thru the year!
Two Weeks Till Christmas
All That's Really Wanted Is His Kiss,
instead all i have is a memory of
how His Lips touched mine with The Sweetest Love!
That 1st kiss He had a cold
but too much at stake to not be bold,
He finally said ah hell with the cold and set my heart a whirl
When He Leaned In And With Heaven Kissed Me Girl!
Bawling My Eyes Out While Writing This
Cause Dearest Faron We Should Still Have{  Our Bliss  }
Ours The Kiss To Give Even Ariel
Such Jealous Feeling The Poor Soul
But Tis Me Only Faron Kiss Thee(Treasured)Pearl....

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for us 2 bliss bird dance out of darkness
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