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Netanyahu[1] says the World is as quiet as a Mouse,
Although the Foxes[2] are in the Hen House.
With a Military Agenda and the Chance of Defeat,
Looks like Peace and Harmony are on the Retreat.
Globalization and Mobilization in the Middle East,
Have invited Planet Earth to a Petroleum Feast.
War is not CIVIL[3] and Refugees RUN!!!
When the Fighting starts, Johnny Get Your Gun.
Can’t believe the Media and what is told.
Precariousness in Syria and the Prez preaches Gun Control.
Russia has EMP[4] and Putin is shooting.
Obama has ESP[5] and sits on the Pot pooting!
“War is Hell”[6] and “there is not much of a future in Dying”.7
Soldiers and Bombs are falling, and Flesh is flying
There is Trouble from the Rise to the Set of the Sun.
They may take yours, BUTT, Johnny Get Your Gun!

[1] Benjamin Netanyahu is the Israeli Prime Minister who made an October 1, 2015 speech to the United Nations criticizing the world’s silence in the face of the Iran Nuclear Deal.
[2] Foxes characterize the Russian, Syrians, Rebels, Iranians, and Iraqis, ISIS (ISIL), Hezbollah and the other Combatants in Syria.
[3] Civil in this instance is an anachronism.  War is quite uncivil and impolite.
4EMP is the acronym for Electromagnetic Pulse, a byproduct of a nuclear detonation that disables missile guidance systems and other electronic equipment, thereby making high-tech arsenal obsolete.

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