John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

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The power of a word, that is said, and not -SAID
if a phone--CALL--, is --not --answered, --or --text --message,-- what --is --not--said--, usually,-- is --misinterpeted--, and --hurtfully --MISREAD

When a person, reaches out to another, with a-text-- or -a -phone -message,-- by --VOICE
You, have, a responsibility, to be kind, caring, and, considerate, to answer any and all, messages, responsibly, and repectfully, its you good or bad --decision--and--CHOICE

If you got a message, from your boss at work, im sure in-the-next- second that you will --correctly--POLITICALLY-- at once --RESPOND
See people, only react, and act, quickly, when someone is more important to them, and they--MUST--PLAY--THE--GAME--and-- keep,-- that --BOND

So if a person, sends you a message by, phone-----or -TEXT
a proper, reponse, from, you, they just--deserve and -EXPECT

It --is --just --plain--rude, --uncaring --and--very --very--LOW
when, you do not, even -make--an -attempt, to return a call, to family, or someone--, that-you -Closely-KNOW

So if its--ME
another, text, or, message, from me, you--will-not--SEE

The power of a word that is said, or not --SAID
As simple as it is ---can make people feel hope and happy, or lost and --DEAD

By john d jungers

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Most people underestimate the power of a word, the power of a word, said, and not said--t