John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,765,943 poems read

Be well, and be blessed
Be wise--, always eat right, exercise, and take care of yourself-, and most importantly,  get the proper rest

Be well, and be blessed
do all things in your- life-- living- and -love, in moderation, to your- highest ability, do your very best

Be well, and be blessed
take--on---and--faithfully--strongly--bravely--courageously-- on every- challenge-- that- comes your- way, do your- very very best

Be blessed and be-well-
 In your -life- living and love, look to the heavens with- faith and hope, -to better cope,--not --to --the --ground --with --doom --despair---and---evil-- HELL

Be blessed and -be-well
let all you come- to meet and-- greet-- come- to know how- in your-- heart -you -worship-- JESUS--LOVE--and--TRUST-- so ---faithfully ---greatly --and--SWELL

Be blessed and be--very--WELL
let the -whole-- world -know -GODS---EVERLASTING-- ENDLESS--ABUNDANT---GREAT---LOVE-----go --on --and ----proclaim--his-- GLORY--go -on -and-to --the --WORLD----LOVINGLY----TELL

Be very well, be very blessed
 In your lfe living and love. Walk---with- the- LORD----, FAITHFULLY----,LOVINGLY--, and--with---PEACE--LOVE--SERENITY----FAITH---and--HOPE----BE--WELL--BE--BLESSED---REST--in---the---LORD----and---HEAVENLY---be--your--very--very--BEST

By john d jungers

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