John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,776,376 poems read

The FILIPINO , newly--- elected ---PRESIDENT
evilly, disgracefully, arrogantly, boligerantly, defiantly, shamefully, now the beautiful country and peoples of, the PHILLIPINES, he now --REPRESENTS

His, actions, words and mannerisms have shocked and horrified the international--COMMUNITY
SHAMEFULLY--every --country --from --sea --to --shining---SEA

He talks, walks and acts so ruthlessly unkind uncaring, daring, and evilly ---, vowing to kill every drug dealer in the entire--COUNTRY
he has compared himself boastfully just as the---MAD--MAN-- HITLER--- as -he -wishes -to -rid -his -country -of -every -drug -addict -and -be --DRUG--FREE

The filipino country, endures much corruption, in public and government ---OFFICE
but never has their been an evil killer and arrogant, taunting disgraceful! Disrespectful, and hateful--, a-- leader and president as bad, and, terrible--as--THIS

The Filipino people, are the most loving caring good hearted hard working peoples , in the WORLD-- that --i --KNOW
i feel this president elect, is totally a loose cannon out of control, and is bringing, the beautiful country --OF--the philippines, so --so --very --very--LOW

For he is inciting hate discontent, is encouraging,  vigilantes--- killing --and ---UNLAWLESNESS
he has respect for human life none the --LESS

To--every --country --in --the--entire--WORLD--in--every --PLACE

In the past, when the Philippines,  needed-- help --and --EMERGENCY---AID
especially the,  united states  has  so  generously ,  humanitarianly  come  to  rescue   this  poor  country  and  emergency help-- and --AID--willingly--PAID

In the philippines the rich get richer and the poor get--POORER
why do the politicians and the government allow this to go on and continue-- decades-- after-- decades-- and --sadly---OCCUR

The filipino people deserve a leader, who has a heart, kind caring loving and --TRUE
to lead them justly, fairly, humanitarily, strongly, and bravely--TOO

Its a good goal for any country to wish to end devastating drug use, and ABUSE
but the world international community is looking at the Filipino-- president, as horrific injustices and evil ---inhumane--cowardly--terrible--unforgiving--ABUSE

This guy, he has disrespected even our president and even the catholic--POPE
he vows to be ---as--HITLER--- and kill every drug addict, and dealer of--DOPE

He is like a rat he will not --STOP
with him in charge,---- now no one can even trust law enforcement of any--official--leader--or--COP

Drug abuse and use is a terrible and horrible --devastating, destructful, and bad --THING
but by threatening to kill everyone using drugs is not going to solve the root problem ,by this president who acts as if he is as --HITLER-- was-- and --greater --than --any----RUTHLESS--EVIL---KING

For he is an embarrasment! -- to a country of --GREATNESS
 As --the --wonderful----Filipino --people --are --the --most --hard --working --and---loving---peoples --i --have --ever --known,-- and --nothing --but --the --very---best--of--the--BEST

By john d jungers
30 th of september 2016

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