John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

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For what good does it matter, for a man to brag and boast, about-- woman he has had of MANY--MANY
when he does not have RESPECT, for ANY--ANY

What good is a man as --THIS
BRAGGING, and BOASTING, about all of the-- BEAUTIFUL, woman, that he is so arrogantly, proud, to have on his--CONQUERED--LIST

The --CHARACTER--of --a --MAN
is solid as rock, with integrity, honesty and commitment where they stand, and when you meet a good man, his WORD-- is --GOOD-- as --SOLID--GOLD, when you, look HIM, in the EYES, and shake firmly his--HAND

When a man, can brag and boast, how he can,  love any, woman in the world, and hold them --CLOSE
then he can use them, then when he is done, can just dispose of them, put them DOWN,  criticise, --belittle, --and --SHAME --them, --and --just  TOSS-- them-- in --the --TRASH---, like ---burnt--- TOAST

If a man, can still so proudly stand, and wish to be a --LEADER --of the people of the united states
how can he lead fairly, justly, open heartedely, when- he -openly --criticises-- woman, --muslims, --mexicans, --JAPAM,  --and --CHINA, --wth his brash, billionaire--brilliance--mannerisms, just --think--what--would-- be --our--REALITY--and-- FATE, with a LEADER--who--HATES

For the world leaders, how would they percieve and recieve such of a MAN
would they embrace him, and trust him, or would they distance themselves from, HIM, as i know that--I--AM

By john d jungers

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For WHAT good does it MATTER