John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,763,982 poems read

For all, of his LIFE
He, has handled pretty well, all of his CHALLENGES, TROUBLES, TURMOILS, STRESSES, and STRIFE

Until, a humbiling, life threatening, terrible, car accident, the other day, "T"--boned, PINNED, and dangerously, sent his car crashing, into a fire hydrant,--gushing water FLOODING, into hiis mangled, car, and nearly took his LIFE
His seat belt, kept him intact, saved his life, but cut into his mid section, like a KNIFE

He was banged up pretty BAD
And at age soon to be thirty eight, this was the first accident ever, that he HAD

In the Emergency room, at Balboa hospital
His every injury, was assesed, one and ALL

This was my oldest son, weight close to 260" and six foot three
I remember him, as my little boy, standing up against my knee

Luck and a blessing, his passion in weight lifting and fitness
Because the. --SPEEDING--impact --from, -- the --utility --van,-- that--crashed, --and-- slammed--into-- his --little --car, --HE,--was --in --great-- shape,-- and --because-- of --that, --his --injuries --were --much --LESS

Even the nurses, and, paramedics, police, and--doctors , were --ALL--AMAZED-----------HOW--HE--managed to crawl out of, and --escaped-- out of the wrangled mess, and accident, an his own power, ---even RESCUING, his little dog--from the flooding, gushing water-- from --the --wreckage, --and the doctors gave him--PRAISE

Their was a mass, on his left groin, and serious--damage-- to --kidney,-- function
He was transferred, to trauma center, mercy scripps hospital, for further --TESTS--and--observation

After-- countless --cat --scans, --blood --work, --and --TESTS
He ---was ---released ---yesterday,--- to ---go ---home,--- and, ---get ---well, ---and ---get--- his ---bed---REST

Their was a picture taken of him , at the hospital, and he was lying in his bed, and above his --HEAD--and--SHOULDERS--, was --a --SOFT--BRILLIANT--LOVELY--BEAUTIFUL--BEAMING--GREAT----LIGHT --as ---an ---angels ---HOLY--HALLO
As ---we ---all ---know, ---our------ GUARDIAN- ANGEL---OUR---, CHRISTINA- ANNE--, in --the--HOLY--HEAVENS--, is --here --on --this--earth,-- watching --over --us --all,-- and ---THE--CHILDEREN-- of --SEVEN,--- from --the --GATES--of ----HEAVEN, ---LOVINGLY--and--PROTECTINGLY---COMPLETE---and--- FULL

Sometimes in your LIFE, LIVING, and LOVE,-- the --absolute--very--worst--of--the--worst-- things-- that --can --and--DO----HAPPEN
Is --------a --------BEAUTIFUL--------LOVING--------BLESSING---------from --------the --------HEAVENS--------THEN

So --i --was --their-- at --his --BED-SIDE
And --this --is --my --son,-- my --son,-- my --oldest-- boy, --when --he --was --born, --he --was --my --DEEPEST-- PRIDE

Through --all--of--the --YEARS
With --many-- an--argument--falling --out,-- misunderstanding, --hurts --miscommunications, --and --TEARS

In --a, --minute,-- TOGETHER---CLOSE- --FOREVER-----AGAIN ---WE----ARE
From ---the ---happenings--- of---This--- terrible, ---near ---death ---experience, ---in ---his ---CAR

Life ----for---- us ----all, ----its ----just---- too---- SHORT
We -all -have -arguments-, set-Backs, -misunderstandings, -disgruntlements, -hurts -harms, -upsets--betrayals--, of --words --and --actions, --of --things --said --and-- done, --as --well --as --of --things --not --said-- or --done, --of ----EVERY-- SORT

But --with --this --simple --story --of --my --life, --living, --and --LOVE--, in --this --very--- MOMENT
The --time --and---every --second--and--minute--and--, hours--that--i --spent ----at ---my ---SONS---bedside, ---in ---the ---INTENSIVE--CARE---all ---night,---long--- was ---the ---BEST-TIME- of--MY--LIFE---LIVING---and---LOVE---together--- with ---my --- OLDEST --SON, ---that-- i --have --ever --SPENT

To -one -and -all, -i -wish -you --WELL
And -hope- this -simple -POEM-, can --inspire,--and--encourage,-- at --least --one --person,--or--a--million-- to --reach --out --with -----COURAGE--, and-- love---THOUGHTFULNESS--- and ---FORGIVENESS---, and ---MEND ---a ---TORN--and--BROKEN--- HEART---, with ---the ---words ---I--LOVE-- YOU,--and --im --SORRY--TELL

Really--- in ---your---LOVING---ACTIONS
The --------words --------I'm-------- SORRY--------, is --------said ------------and--------HEARTFULLY--------COMPLETELY----------HEARD----------LOUD--------- and---------- CLEAR-----------UNDERSTOOD-------- and ------WON

By john d jungers

Comment On This Poem ---
For aLL of his LIFE