John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,776,482 poems read

My life, living, andLOVE, story is in my every--POEM
In all that i think, write, say, and PRAY--my--HEART--FEELINGS--are----revealed--and--HEARTFULLY--completely--SHOWN

I write about , the happenings, --of my--LIFE--the--good,-- bad, --and --ugly, --happy --and---SAD
I write when, im elated, happy, or down, sad, dissappointed, and--MAD

my life story, i write and--REVEAL
Just exactly, and simply--and a matter of factly, how i --FEEL

My living STORY
I write and reflect about, my mission, quest and goals, as i strive, thrive, and survive, --pursuing my DREAMS, to-excel, to my very greatest, and GLORY

Is a foundation, of faith, love, and hope, and --PRAYING--, and giving, GOD, all of the PRAISE, and GLORY

By john d JUNGERS
26 th of FEBRUARY 2017

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