John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,777,938 poems read

Keep --your --EYES--on --, GOD,-- and --hold --onto --HOPE
In -your -life, -living,- and -love,- to --BETTER, --DEAL, --and --COPE
No -matter, -what,- where-, when,- why,- or --WHO
Troubles--, turmoil,-- and --strifes-- will --come --to --you, --and-- is --true,-- just -right -about-- , and -- unexpectedly--,unwantedely--, and --very --distressingly-- right-- out --of --the --BLUE

Keep -your --EYES--- -on -the -LORD
Let -your ---LOVE---of --CHRiST--BE--
your --almighty --SWORD
With -GOD, --his --steadfast-- LOVE, --will --never, --fall, --falter, --or --FAIL
For --GOD, --UNCONDITIONALLY, --LOVES,-- LOVES, --us --all, --in --each, --and --in --every. --a--Little, --exact---DETAIL

FIX---your ---EYES--- on ---the ---LORD
Sing --PRAISE --to ---HIM---on --HIGH, --with --a --BEAUTIFUL, --BEAUTIFUL----LOVING,--LOVING-- and --FAITHFUL,-- CHORD
PRAISE ---HIM--- the ---ALMIGHTY--KING--of--KINGS--the--ALMIGHTY--GOD---HIM----in ---the--HOLY--HEAVENS----MOST----HIGH
Call -out- to ---JESUS, ---in -your- deepest -hurt,- pain,- and -shame,- and --HIS---LOVE, ---to --you ---HE--will --NEVER---DENY

Keep --------your --------EYES, --------on --------the-------- LORD, --------straight,--------- forward,--------- and ---------STRONG
Then --in --your --life, --living, --and --LOVE,-- positively---, lovingly---, and ---faithfully,--- and ---with ---courage----FORGIVINGLY,--- you, ---PROGRESSIVELY---, TRIUMPHANTLY----move----PRAYERFULLY----GREATLY----ALONG

By john d JUNGERS

Comment On This Poem ---
Keep your eyes on GOD, and hold onto HOPE