John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,776,928 poems read

It always, takes the STRONGER, person to say--SORRY
even when they, know to themselves they didnt do anything, to you or--ME

Saying im sorry
Is ---not ---that ---easy--- for---EVERYBODY

Saying sorry
takes guts, grit, and, strength ,through ,FAITH, ,to --be ---- HUMBLE--- and -- say --im-- sorry-- when -they- know -they -are --INNOCENT--as --R-E-A-L-I-T-Y

Saying sorry
will cleanse your heart , body, and soul,and  set you couragiously brave strong and happily--FORGIVINGLY--F-R-E-E

By john d jungers

Comment On This Poem ---
It always takes the stronger person