John's poems of...LIFE - LIVING &LOVE...JDJ

1,765,889 poems read

Be careful,,and STAY--GROUNDED--and--level--HEADED
and, be careful, not to get your HOPES, --too--high,-just--to --be--hurt, upset, --put--down--and --disappointed

Stay--GROUNDED, practical, and--W-I-S-E
as,-- not.--to--get --your --hopes --up --too--too--too--high, --just--to --be --caught --off --of--guard,--and-- get--hurt-- with----sad---S-U-R-P-R-I-S-E

and, as with FAITH, and PRAYER, with--H-O-P-E--the-best-outcome, wish and DREAM--H--O--P--E--happens--and--falls--perfectly--and-exactly--and-as--meant--to--BE----in----PLACE----for---S--U--R--E

Stay GROUNDED, and--W-I-S-E
as, not to get your hopes up too, high, and be disappointed and hurt with--S-U-R-P-R-I-S-E

By john d JUNGERS

Comment On This Poem ---
Be CAREFUL and STAY --G--R--O--U--N--D--E--D