Brian's Poetic Verses
Brian Roberts
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A Feast Of Plenty In A Shortage Of Time!

Where are the fruits, the thirst quenching vines; the hundreds of Melons which squirt in the eye?
The untold numbers of pies so Devine, that make all Thanksgivings as wonderful as mine?
Bring forth the potatoes, the turkey, the ham, the rolls with good butter, and sweetness of jam.
Look close for the sweet taters, the yams, I'm a fan; the stuffings with flavor all yours for a plan.
Now think how many times you have seen this feast.
Every year it grows smaller as do the great beasts.
Soon there will be nothing but one slender yam, and you're eating alone no more family to plan.
But look not to sadness as years have long passed.
It's the memories that matter, and how long they last!
So preserve all about you in moments of love, then you'll always remember those times in Thanksgiving when giving was thanks enough. Thank You

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