Mysteries of a Man Unravelled
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There's a burning sensation
Like a hole in my head
From a hot poker
That's been placed under
Searing red coals for eternity
I can feel it penetrating through
Ten thousand plus levels of flesh
Scorching nerves and creating terminal endings
That act as mental blocks and challenges
Not to mention, a wall that seals the red fury
Allowing friends to see right through my head
Is it the thought that "it" still exists
That keeps the pain, the agony, the anxiety
   from subsiding
Leaving it standing as an open laceration
As I sit here in this pool of Ethyl alcohol
Painfully drowning' my sorrows
This "Doesn't work at all"
Or is it the pain itself that actually provokes
The inebriation is never
Never quite alleviation
So ineffective to say that when I come to
I'm still stuck "Half-dead man walking"
Awaiting my time to 'ride the lightning'
And mortality still seeks me
Favors me
Scorns and ridicules
My very essence

Let us pray for the day
That we all turn senile
That our painful memories
Fade to black
And we live our livelihood
'Til bitter end
Praying once again
That we could have them back

AGU DAROCA 02/27/01

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