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 Narrow Path

Narrow Path
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Take a moment of your time and try to visualize the mountain pass two GIANT stones almost touching enclosing trail to pinpoint size. The camel must not touch the ground the thing is made to walk around the packs must be unloaded and brought behind. This is the narrow path to GOD. Nothing in the hand at birth and nothing in the hand at death please LORD make me strong enough to only carry love. Not even a ring of idol stone a ruby or a amethyst one a jewel the size of all of Cairo and one again the north of Spain. A black ebon ring a beauty thing a world of stones all different and all black in ebon and in design in just the outward appearance of the vanity of us the uselessness of dust the sprinkling of the water at the Methodist at birth, the immersion of the Baptist beside the pulpit behind the curtain veiled in time, the dunking in the river of a true believer the power of the SPIRIT in a Pentecostal Church at work the speaking in the tongues and the dancing after dark and the loving ways of women who think every thing they do and say is GOD. The every mans a preacher syndrome the young one serves it on a platter the useless patter of the rain on poor mans head. The undone Silver
Slaver with the head of John the Baptist kept in dungeons beside the Head of the Apostle Paul now lost in stone. The rich mon threading into the eye of every needle making mention of his riches in his head. The dancing Esmeralda as they led the Quasimodo to his death now the camel being led inside the eye of needle this is the narrow path. Isaiah once proclaimed to place face in dirt and wait it is better to be a footman to the king than KING himself. Thread the eye of needle best ewe can. WE must strive to find the narrow path.

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