Meditation of My Heart 
  Leona Mars

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It was the moon that aided our sight,
Bathing the country road in silvery light.
Hence, we walk without trepidation,
Toward unforeseen destination.

Silently, accompanied from long ago,
Obscure wayfarers I seem to know.
Perhaps in times of my adolescence-
They existed in kindred essence?

Thus, conscious of a child's hand in mine,
Amid unhurried footsteps; we ambled behind.
Not withstanding our slow progression,
Near vigilant I kept our congregation.

A steep foothill we did encumber,
Attempt quickness I did with somber.
Nevertheless, our journey men we lost sight,
But, positioned atop a young girl I espied.

Foremost, down the lengthy decent,
And hastily scaled a bared wire fence.
By way of grassland we did glide,
To a beautiful vale enhanced in moonlight.

Copyright ©2001 Leona M. Mars

Published in The Best Poems & Poets Of 2001
The International Library of Poets

This poem seems surreal because it is about a dream I had. It was after the death of my parents when this dream occurred. They died almost a year apart, I was devastated. I think this dream is God's way of telling me that they are happy and in Heaven. After the little girl led us to the vale, I just stood there and observed a scene in this beautiful place.  I saw my dad sitting on a tree stump and he was surrounded by people, they  were talking and laughing.  My mother was with another group of people, they were just standing around talking. Everyone seemed so happy and I felt this wonderful peace come over me as I looked on. I also saw this river, with a tree nearby. The water was so blue, with silver ripples. I awoke and that peace was still with me. After the dream, I no longer grieved for my parents.

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