Dust and Dreams-A Journey

I am and have been in a personal turmoil for many weeks as of late, and it's been difficult, but as with all very hard times in my life, it has proceeded to make me much stronger of a person and a woman and many more writings will result of that I am sure. I am just still processing it all right now, and settling it all in my mind, heart and spirit. It has been tough, but I have perservered, as always, but am here and breathing, and well. Just wiser and stronger, and more aware--of many things. I have learned many things over the course of the last month or more, most of all, I am a very strong woman/person, and can survive anything, even when I think on some days I may not be able to stand, I can and do and stand very straight and strong and will continue to do so. Do I have regrets over my decisions over these last weeks? NO! I have none, and feel good in typing out those words and seeing them in black and white, my instinct as a woman and person has never steered me wrong in life, and this is no exception. So I know that I am guiding myself and my beautiful young daughter down a new and much better and healthier path for both of us. Stay tuned....and here is the first poem of the newest chapter of my life:

In The End…..
Shallow pieces of yesterdays, sit here in brilliant light,
Forcing recognition in the dawn of another day,
Although they seek to hide behind pillars of shame,
regret, hurt, yet another chapter of wrong…

Yet, this novel continues, onward as a brave soldier,
Forward, despite bitter cold winds and resistance,
Somehow, the story continues, the oftentimes delicate,
but strong, defiant, and ultimately triumphant, simple,
Story of me, this simple, boring story..... of this one life, goes on..

one that has seen many beginnings, durations, ends,
So many ends, yet has come out waving flags,
Of triumph, of utter victory, if only to myself,
And perhaps that is only what matters in the end,

No more justice, not to this world, or anyone,
Only to myself and my deepest heart, and sense
Of my core being and what is right and good,
the essence of the truest sense of peace, prevails…

Perhaps all that matters in the end…

Copyright 2009
Cristine M. Halde

I am a writer professionally as well as personally. I have been writing poems and short stories for almost my entire life. I wanted to thank my older brother, who inspired me to love writing by his great "short stories" from long ago. I also wanted to thank my wonderfully supportive friends and family for always believing I could do anything I wanted. Your encouragement is inspirational. Most importantly, I wanted to thank my "greatest creation to date", Morgan Paige, for being such an endless source of love, encouragement, and inspiration in my writing and in my life.

I have been published extensively, in literary journals, anthologies, on various Web sites, and have won or placed in various contests over the years. This is the first full-length volume of my poetry to be self-published, and I am very excited to share it with you!

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