Poet 11586

Aldo Gabbay kraas was born in São Paulo Brazil on July 15th,1964.  He was born in
Brazil and has since lived in Boston, Montreal and Toronto.  He has travelled extensevely
Throughout Europe including Paris , Vienna, Zurich, Germany and Poland.  All of these
beautiful places have inpacted Aldo's heart and created pictures of the world for him to
hold...no doudbt an influence on his writing!

In 1982, when Aldo was 18, he moved to Toronto with his mother.  He started to write
Poetry on January 5th, 1996, the day his mother passed away from bone narrow cancer.

Writing poetry for Aldo Kraas is therapeutic; he never misses a day.  It helps clear his
mind; gives him hope; strengthens his relationship with God and aids in the healing

All of Aldo's poems have different flavours; from love and death to friendship and the
exploration of our dark sides.  Aldo's hope is that his poetry might benefit the hearts of
his readers.

English is Aldo's second language; his Native tongue being portuguese.  He has
showcased his work at opem mic poetry evenings, poetry workshopsand had his work
featured in short films.  His work is widely published and known on the internet and has
been translated into 6 languages, including Arabic, Romanian, Vietnamese, Thai,
Chinese and German

Aldo have self published 3 books
Fado, Home, Faces

579,407 Poems Read
