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NEWS: Have a wonderful summer! For Peace to come! : The only way peace is going to come and even some where Mohammad's works are digging in even though they shouldn't nor their family names changed and even the Christians did some bad most of that hit the more western parts of Europe. The only way sanity or the more belly of the Christ being ones are going to stop falling is knowledge of what I mention below. Some of it is rough but to allow so some trying are ahead of exploiters who buried about me and cornered me before I could set down anything. They using me to steal and drive Entertainment and such do or try to odd things with the planet and people with deities that can not work here and never did work like these try to make you believe and where people believe that they bury and possess your flesh it comes from bad works and priests. So your a bit ahead I am a part of the Mujahedin process caught it before atonement to planets started and a bit more and have a rightful concern for Mohammad and the African territory we are all from the Sons of Noah it is important for that to become realized again to end prejudice and get down to business. The only difference is when a nation came to be when its' church became ritually fit to be classified as Holy and string enough to endure even if bad leadership cam to a nation till they past. I am ruined possessed by some deliberately doing bad they don't know the Devil is applied to some who are not sane by Holy Church ways old and with met requirements to ritual lengths and comets and stars above. So I can't do much more than ever when some did not understand me and it was so easy to just take away my rights let some one else stand over him then your Christain churches are safe and he won't be able to say a thing about it. It worked it worked real good. Darn them! Thank you!     Christ   For the sake of Christ the one Jesus and Israel followed much of which was and covered the start of ritual preparedness for their Church part for their Nation. The word fits under the Mighty God time so it is by usage proper to say Mighty God's Christ. Or it could be said the Mighty Christ of God which is the Christ that Israel supported right up to Jesus and past to his going on, his day his Step of one hundred years a loaf a leaf a bowl for them to keep. If the whole system hadn't fallen or Rome a bit past his step they of Israel even of Holy Rome with Greece their most priestly and Iran with Iraq either first or amongst with a final “Proper to be followed” would have come to be and would have been applied. This would have come more from the Church parts and priestly managers and allowed rulers, there is like 40 years allowance coming and going on such things. Most of the stressful parts about Jesus and their nation since even though some waited of others hoped he would come were ahead by 20 years and would have been fine to the average of it only Israel while moving forward would have lagged a bit to assess the Jesus part and deal with it in their house church. They would have allowed proper to others if it was matters that only made others churches better and worked for the High Church that Iraq and Iran were to at peace hold and manage that was Omani present covered all churches and of which of what they worked to keep up to of others all of which fit in a 40,000 year length. They held much social and civic matters all that fit under ritual times be it a Step an age or parts that go with the southern Cross two thousand year parts or four thousand years for a Block. These were used for ritual planning to allow nations as well the High Part to set goals or advise so a wholesome effect with hoped all fit by the end of the block of time that all could go and worship at Iraq or Iran much Iraq the He and Iran the she man and wife thing assessing matters as well bidding all on how to reset blessing them and allowing them back to their own to go for the next southern Cross time the first two thousand of it by Age four-hundred years an age with step. I list it backwards because much of that was for the priests of their own nations to plan so they had a horizon or horizons to focus on right down to their present. Some did not come to be till after others Part Iraq Iran and nations close around China, Tibet, Mongolia were of a higher part even Greece Syria or Assyria ( which held kind of Germany Italy part of Greece part of the Arabia even Israel and Egypt in part) by church theme. They were before the Mighty and Christ had main churches with Calenders to follow as well alters in their houses matched to the main one for them Iran not forsaking Iraq as high say. All of which the Christ parts started being as others even Israel, India, Italy started ritual stages for their Church parts even though their nation was founded and a ruler was. The Christ being was they gathering and agreeing on ritual parts in the heavens and a unified theme by step age and block to follow and how to worship and keep history in a church fashion. These are matters to this day nations such as ours the African territory the far west part nations of Europe have yet to become involved in to be a proper part of God, through the Mighty God being with a Christ part for Church part. This is also the place where so much present day pain is with so many ignorant to proper ways and things much for some to still learn and practice. Some of the older parts over whelmed even lost to intelligence and wills of lessor ones as they tried to stay meek were invaded and information destroyed. So they are stumbling and have not strength to advise so saneness return to the being.  

ABOUT: Hello and welcome I have been writing for some time. I have found a priestly way with words that carries ancient history. The Linear way of which most know words and definitions held in Dictonary's is fine for the common person as long as their part other does it's job proper and goes and learns the more priestly ways of words that their family names are to support of the ideals as such words would support of mankind and their family names as long as the part other than mortal rise and learn such skills. A terrible mistake by some shortly after Jesus past his way and the Holy Empier fell has left mankind two thousand years from proper and sane of being. Most of my poetry is dedicated to the more proper ideals of what mankind was allowed to live by as Nation with it's state and church to the main and holy ideal agreed upon at Plato and Er time ( get your houses in order) that the nations become worthy before being a bother to Iraq a house of which most holy rules have been allowed mankind to live by for a ritual length of forty thousand  years. Rules that at the end of such a length come of how to manage for a new amount of time. Do pray your parts other than mortal go and support ancestors in the heavens and not become a wild hazard, I am sure in time proper understandings will come to be for time. I hope anyway if not the end result is going to be rather sad just as it was mentioned that it would be.       

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