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NEWS: Hello! New poem submitted today. I wrote "Proving People Wrong" today as I thought about everyone who always tried discouraging me in everything that I would try to do. I'm sure you can all relate, as I'm positive I am not the only one who was ever told I could not do something. This poem goes out to you all. I hope you enjoy it, and remember that you can, and someday you will! -Ruby Carrillo

ABOUT: My name is Ruby & the day I blow the candles is April 25. My favorite color is purple and I always say the weirdest things at the weirdest times. I love to enjoy myself and don't care what people think of me! I also love to sing, collect things, and I'm always imagining what the world is like outside of where I live. I love my family but I wish they could be more open-minded. I'm extremely curious and love to explore new things, but I'm also a bit naive and gullible. I believe in love at first sight, and go gaga for the guy I like and would do anything just to be with him. I have Spring personalities that means that I have the most light-hearted, fun-loving, and spontaneous of all the Seasons. I love to entertain, I'm confident, and I can always see the positive side to any situation. However, I can be arrogant, cocky, and indulgent. I can sometimes be impulsive and act in an unpredictable fashion - both to my advantage and misfortune. Keep Autumn personalities close to me in order to keep my feet on the ground! And when people see me they get stun with my power. When I walk away people think wow...that is one heck of a person. I also have a lot of responsibilities on my shoulders, and because of that I want to escape it. Rather than being a caged bird, I feel like I need to be free as the wind. I don't want anyone to tie me down because I deserve that freedom and no one is going to change my mind about it.

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