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 Welcome to bryanf   

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 Love is misery in the hearts of the young

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I have been growing and expanding as a person and as a poet, and hope that will be reflected in my work. I've also started including links to vocaroo of myself reading my poems, just because i feel like it helps convey the message and understand the tone and what i am trying to say. You may notice a change in the themes of my writing as i grow, i'm working on exploring my talents and finding my style as well as trying new subjects.  It's quite a thrill to know my work has been read over 13,000 times. now if only people would take the time to leave feedback or sign my guestbook.. let me know what you think.. Thank you all for stopping by and reading, and I hope you've enjoyed this little insight into my mind and my very soul.

 About The Author:    -- Writers keep all copyrights.    

I've been writing poetry since i was a young child. in 4th grade i used to carry aroudn a notebook and just write small poems and tidbits in it. a lot of those became some of my earliest uploads onto this website and i kept that journal for years adding to it and growing. you may notice some abrupt and vast differences in my writing because indeed i have my seasons where i write moreso than other times, and typically when i come back from a hiatus there are changes through my growth.  A lot of my poetry is based on reality, some contain slight embellishments, others are complete works of fiction. i will let you distinguish and differentiate fiction from non for yourself.  I hope to continue growing in my writing and sharing that growth along my journey, and perhaps one day maybe even have one of my works published.

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