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 Welcome to mrbc   

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 The sum of my experiences

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Some of the poems on this page was inspired (if not provoked) by the events of 11SEP01. I am a soldier stationed in Washington, DC at Walter Reed Army Medical Center (WRAMC). Some of these works were motivated by the anger I felt at the reaction of the General Public after those vicious attacks. For the first time since 1991, the American Public was in support of anything Military. (When they need us they love us, but when there is no danger of America being attacked we are just an expensive bunch of money grubbing morons, that have no manners nor common sense. If you don't like me today, don't call me tomorrow to go die for you on some distant land, that you can't pronounce and never heard of until they started to threaten your Freedom that my job protects (even when you don't think about it). But never fear I (and all the men and women of the US Military) are here to protect the way of life that gives you the freedom to not like me and the freedom to make it well known across the world. We are sworn to protect the Consitution against all enemies. Without the freedoms we give you, you could never speak out so freely of how we are mindless pawns that go to far lands and become babykillers, so your elected officials can get rich. If that's how you feel why vote for them and blame me for your mistakes. Why not run for that office yourself? Why not join the Military and see what we really do? (if you got the GUTS). MRBC (A SOLDIER IN THE US ARMY)

 About The Author:    -- Writers keep all copyrights.    

WHO IS MRBC? First of all I am a soldier, a proud member of the Army of the Greatest Nation in the world. Iwore "Green" for over 22 years. Writing gives me an outlet to release some of the stress related to the things I've seen as a Medic working with War Wounded Soldiers after they return from the Battlefield. I haven't been to Battle but I've seen the results. I can't pretend to know what it's like to fight in war. I can only begin to imagine what these young men and women has been through. I salute all Service Members who go into harm's way for an UNGRATEFUL NATION. These people risk it all so we can have the right to sit back and complain that the Military make too much money and need to take a pay cut. I retired from the US Army in 2007. I now work for The Home Depot

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