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 Welcome to pierredelamare   

 Site Name:
 Pierre de la Mare

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..HOT NEWS....HOT NEWS.. Please note, I now have my own website: http://www.pierredelamare.co.uk My email adress has changed also. It is: pierredelamare@ntlworld.com Thank you.

 About The Author:    -- Writers keep all copyrights.    

Hello. Sometimes I look in the mirror and think: My God, where's my hair gone! Such are the joys of being a forty-odd year old single dad. Not that my fantastic son had anything to do with the hair loss - that's been going on for years. Despite my name, I was born a Scot and have lived in southern England since I was knee high to the proverbial grasshopper. Childhood was not a period in my life to fill me with wonderful memories but I often reflect that there are many who have had a far harder time than I and, because of that, I feel lucky. I have always been highly sensitive which is something people often try to steer me away from. But it is my sensitivity which drew me to writing and I firmly believe it is a strength in this context. I have strong views on many things and I can be as deeply moved by something happening to a stranger on the other side of the world, as I can by something happening to me right here. I am now a full-time writer and publisher. If my words can help you find strength, humor, clarity of vision, or bring a tear to your eye, then my work will not be in vain. Thank you for taking the time to read some of my poetry. If you wish to make comments, please do so either by signing the guest book, leaving feedback or, if you prefer to communicate directly with me, send an email: pierredelamare@ntlworld.com http://www.pierredelamare.co.uk

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