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 Poems from my soul to yours

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My new poem, "My Soul Cries for You", is a way for me to reach out to people that are thinking that suicide is the answer. I have lost a few acquaintances to suicide. I myself have suffered from depression and I know how lonely it can be, I know how tiring this life can be, I have wondered what is the point in going on, I have thought nobody cares anyway, I have thought I can't deal with this agony anymore, and I know there are thousands of other reasons that bring a person to this point, but one thing I decided is that I refuse to allow satan to win this battle. Another thing that keeps me going is that I am such a curious person I can't imagine not finding out what tomorrow has in store, whether good or bad, and the most important people in my life, my 3 children, keep me going, for I cannot imagine them being raised by anyone but me, and I refuse to allow my children or other family members to think that I didn't love them enough, or that I abandonded them. I hope I can reach somebody and please find help, don't be afraid to let someone know how bad things are. My Soul Cries for You and you are in my prayers!

 About The Author:    -- Writers keep all copyrights.    

My name is Julie and I am a 36 year-old single mother of 3 children. My hobbies include cooking, playing games with my kids, reading, and when I have time I like to write poems.

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