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Are There Universes Inside Universes?

Tatum's Tour Through Theoretical Thought

Are There Universes Inside Universes?

Imagine the size of the universe as a grain of sand in reality...

Our world, deep space, the universe;

mesmeric to our eyes;

the further we peer into it,

the more sense it defies.

Visualize a grain of sand

beneath a magnifier.

Then see that larger world beneath

a scope from that much higher.

The tiny worlds descend beneath

each other's point of view,

each tiny world becomes the spec

the larger lens shows you.

It's constant through infinity,

each grain beneath a grain.

To find a reference point for size,

the more it skews the brain!

The largest universe, now seen

as a microscopic grain.

Preceding worlds, now invisible

in this microscopic chain.

How large is large? How small is small?

Where is infinity?

The minute universe cascade

would fill a thought's vicinity!



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Are There Universes Inside Universes?



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