Adikaran's Poetry

125,575 poems read

Story of human souls

Story of Human Souls

Souls are eternal -----
Souls are point of light
Souls resides in the middle of the forehead
Souls give energy to the physical body
Souls pass through the various stages in their life

The first stage is---
Souls rise in Golden age
Souls lives in harmony in the Golden age
Souls have the qualities of complete purity, peace, love, truth& happiness.
Souls live in complete harmony with divine qualities.

In the next stage ---
Souls live in Silver age
Souls start to decline its divine qualities slightly
Souls decline its peace, purity, love truth &happiness
Soul's original freshness declines gradually

Then comes the third stage--
Souls live in Copper age
Soul's consciousness starts to shift to forgetfulness
Souls started to collect material possessions for peace & happiness
Souls started to search for the divine qualities

The fourth stage ----
Souls live in the Iron Age
Soul's lives in total darkness & soul's qualities are declined
Souls forget the moral, ethical and spiritual values.
Souls started to call out to GOD for help

Then comes the most auspicious fifth stage ----
Souls live in Diamond age
God comes and uplifts the souls in this most valuable stage
Awakening takes place in the mind of souls with the love of God
Souls started to dance because the truth is once again permeating to their minds.

Then on--
Souls ignite the light for day and the darkness ends
Souls started to live with love, happiness, peace, purity and truth
Once again souls entering in the Golden age
And the story continues. ------

 Adikaran

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Story of human souls