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 From the Heart Through the Pen

Simply Beautiful

Wow…..breath is taken, so no words can be spoken…

She can feel his heart beat
A thousand feet away
Curing its ache with a smile
They say will devastate his world
And build it anew
This can explain just how fast
Their feelings grew

How fast he knew
This girl would be the woman
That would settle in her rightful place
The lady whose grace amazed this boy
Crazed his heart
And lead him to be the man
That will set him apart from the rest

Time would surely test their faith
Test their strength
At great lengths to where some would taste defeat
Yet they succeeded, yes they overcame
The same couple whose joy
You enjoy through their laugh
That still resembles that of a girl and a boy

In love they've fallen beyond imaginations wild
Beyond dreams they shared as a child
Without each other they'd suffer
So this just cannot be
You see with them this is meant
Inevitable, or  as some may say
This couples' love is…simply beautiful

¥☼MOI☼¥  10 Dec 09

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