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 JANET'S PLANET      468539 Poems Read

The Wind

Stepping out on
my back deck
I stood still
as the wind carried me away
it was just after the rain
it had been a white Christmas
but the rain washed away the snow
as I stood gazing at the bare trees
I listened to the sound of the wind
blowing gently through the wind chimes
as they played lovely sensitive melodies
a certain calmness I felt
that very moment
it felt as though the wind
was carrying me away
my thoughts took me on a long journey
far away I traveled
as the wind blew swiftly in all directions
the wind was very kind to me
blowing peace
suddenly glowing everywhere
out of nowhere, the sun leaped out
a smile covered my face
I then began to embrace
both the sun
and the wind
I thought of loved ones
who left
early that morning
traveling home
after spending time
with me
enjoying the beautiful Christmas holidays
I thanked the radiant sun
for shining on my loved ones
as they traveled
I prayed the wind
would carry my loved ones
safely back home

©December 27, 2009 Janet Irene Griffin

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