Good Guys...White Hats /Happy Birthday E.T.
Good Guys...White Hats
~*~Ernest Dale Tubb~*~
February 9,1914-September 6,1984
Good guys wore white hats
Or so the story goes.
This long identified
The villains from the heroes.
A certain special good guy,
Who wore the white chapeau,
Was the greatest singing cowboy
I was ever blessed to know.
Even Webster's definition
Of good could not relate
The million and one good points
That kept this fellow great.
He stood tall in talent...
Well deserving of his star.
Yet there was more to this performer
Than a song and a guitar.
A world of wit and wisdom
Stood beneath that big white hat...
Courage, understanding, and
Faith in God to add to that.
A special kind of magic
Seemed to weave this singer's spell.
Sincerity and humanity
Were virtues he wore well.
Respect for his fellow man
Expressed goodness at its best.
His tolerance and patience
Exceeded every test.
His consideration and concern
For others knew no end.
Such humbleness this man had shown
Such kindness did extend.
He was lovable, believable...
A friend to everyone.
If he had any faults at all,
I certainly found none.
E.T. was my childhood hero
And my love for him still shows.
Good guys really wore white hats
Just as the story goes.
Lovingly Presented,
Doris Jacobs-Covington
February 9, 2010
E.T. as he was known (long before
the little space guy) was a very
close friend of mine and my entire
family. Everything I've said about
him is true. He passed away on Sept.6,
1984 at the age of 70. This Feb. 9th
he would have been 96 years old. Back when
I was a child, all the singing cowboys
wore white hats...things have changed.
But this is my birthday tribute to E.T.
and I'd like to dedicate this poem to
the memory of Jesse W. Allen, whose
favorite singer was Ernest Tubb. Mr.
Allen is the father of my lovely friend,
Sandy (Poetic2050) who told me of this
long ago. I felt instant kinship although
I'd never met the man. They are most
likely together singing for the Lord
as we stop to remember them both.
"It is a good thing to give thanks
unto the Lord, and to sing praises
unto thy name, O most High."
Psalm 92:1
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