Lord, You give me Words of Life
Used to minister and heal,
While I stand in wonderment
At all Your messages reveal.
Meant to bless another soul...
To edify, exhort, and lift.
But I am, also, being blessed
By Your thought provoking gift.
Lord, at times I feel unworthy
And at other times so awed.
I know Your Words are on the mark,
But is my interpretation flawed?
My emotions tend to overload
At the responsibility.
At times I weep profusely
At this gift You've placed in me.
I couldn't use Your Name in vain...
Lord, I pray I never do.
Keep confirming things I write
Are, indeed, inspired by You.
Lord, You so plainly make a point
To the ones who play this game...
That Heaven can't be entered
By the vain use of Your Name.
Words so closely knit together,
It's sometimes hard to see
Where I begin and where You end...
More of You and less of me.
Father, I am what I am...
Simply flesh and blood and bone
With a heart that houses Words of Life...
Life from You and You alone.
Lovingly Presented.
Doris Jacobs-Covington
February 28, 2010
"Therefore by their fruits you will
know them,
Not everyone who says to Me,"Lord,
Lord" shall enter the kingdom of
Heaven, but he who does the will of
My Father in Heaven.."
Matthew 7:20-21
"I have set before you life and death,
blessing and cursing, therefore choose
life, that both you and your descendants
may live."
Deuteronomy 30:19
And whatsoever ye do in word or deed,
do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God and the Father by him.