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 Gentle Words

Opening my heart to your world in need;
A simple gift is all I bring.
My soul is full of compassion for you;
As I offer you my gentle words.

If you open your heart, peace will come;
The calm bay of tenderness during a storm.
Listen with your heart, not your ears;
Apply the balm of my gentle words.

Battle scarred, tried, and tested by life;
Beaten up by so many that are users.
Shy and skittish, protective of your heart,
But my gentle words will penetrate the wall.

You feel the door of your prison unlock;
The door creaks, then swings open.
Standing, looking out into the bright morning sun;
You take a step, listening to my gentle words.

Walk free from the shackles of your past;
Walk free from the pain of lost loves.
Walk free of that doubt cast within you;
My gentle words touch the ears of your heart.


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