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 Do Everything in Love

This scripture from First Corinthians has echoed
In my soul; written as a closing remark to the church.
With fever and passion they followed after God;
Never failing to walk in the gifts of God's Spirit.

I stopped and thought today, looking out at the rain;
Righteousness comes from God as a gift, not from acts.
All He asks of us is to judge not, then walk in love;
I had ventured into the role of my brother's judge.

Watching the rain today has given me a new perspective;
As the blessings of living in love had been dammed up.
The flow had been stopped by judging judgmental people;
As funny as that sounds, it brings a blockade of love.

The logs of judgment, like the board in the eye of the one
Wishing to remove the speck from the brother's eye.
I take the pry bar of forgiveness, and release the waters;
Removing the logs of judgment... do everything in love.


This weekend of realization of the lack of love flowing in my soul.
It is easy to set in the seat within my head and evaluate everyone's
life... but it is so difficult to evaluate my own without prejudice.

Do Everything in Love

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