Poetic Verses


I have seen boys  in that transition form boyhood in that stage of puberty
Got all confused and  sometimes go of the deep end  quite easily
People often laugh but I guess in their ignorance
Hardily recognizing that they should lend a bit of assistance

Some tend to demonstrate a lot of aggression  and tension
Cannot concentrate  for  any period  or in a  specified time session
Are happy to see the hair on the face, chest and back
Then sometime later someone may say to them “ boy your voice  have has cracked”.

The sudden rush of the  now  permeating hormone testosterone
Is now something that the system cannot readily condone
Now the boy is now trapped in  an this uncertain land
One foot behind  in boyhood and  other crossing the  new path of a being a man.

There were guys  in this period of  transitory uncertainty
Had to seek help, with success through  a  period of psychotherapy
This helped to toned and  calm that aggressive nature  and  also incidentally
Allow them to come to grips with  their own sexuality.

Sometimes it can  be amusing to hear the whole lot
Not listening and  act like they know all about  life and this amounts to naught
But as adults who has that track record called life experience should understand
That sometimes it is best to listen and  diplomatically use  s steering hand.

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