We can't be sure what type of fruit
God had forbidden man
Since the Bible doesn't specify
This secret of the ban.
We can merely speculate
But the question has remained.
Lets just call it an apple
Since an apple has been named.
Picture a perfect Paradise,
A touch of Heaven place.
Designed by God Almighty
To house the human race.
Beautiful beyond description...
Supplying every need.
Could it be lost forever
By disobedience and greed?
Adam was beguiled to bite
What he had been denied...
Bringing sin's triumphant entry
And spiritual suicide.
The fall of man's recorded
As coming from a tree.
The teeth marks in that apple
Were handed down to you and me.
But it hasn't really ended there
Because another tree was used...
Planted on Mount Calvary
Where the blood of Jesus oozed
To wash away each single sin
Mankind would ever taste.
God didn't let that missing piece
Of apple go to waste.
Jesus put it back together!
The apple's been made whole!
And connections to this concept
Brings salvation to each soul!
So when we bite into an apple
Let us praise the Lord above.
May it be a sweet reminder
Of God's never ending LOVE!
Joyfully Presented,
Doris Jacobs-Covington
May 16, 2010
Genesis 3:15 contains the promise
of the redemption of mankind after
the fall of Adam. The Incarnation
of the Christ was the manifestation
of the promise and it was fulfilled
with Jesus Christ's sacrificial death
and glorious resurrection. Adam
willingly fell from Grace and Jesus
willingly laid down his life in
sacrifice for ALL mankind. Those who
ACCEPT this sacrifice are saved.
Please read all of Romans 5:12 through 21.
I will highlight this verse only.
"For by one man's disobedience many were
made sinners, so by the obedience of
ONE shall many be made righteous."
Romans 5:19
Please read all of 1Corinthians 15:45 through 49.
"And so it was written, the first man,
Adam was made a living soul: the last
Adam (Jesus) was made a quickening
1Corinthians 15:45