Poetic Verses

The Changing  Values of Love

A friend of mine said if you follow love's progression
You will see that over  time it has be hit by a form of degradation
So these days in most instance when "I love you"  is said to anyone
It is because the person is  using that  connection  to  better their situation.

What is so startling to me they was it is now being said do freely and easily
Like those over worked cliché and  oh such a well rehearsed line
This sometimes filled me with even a little bit of trepidation
After someone tell me so after meeting them for the  first occasion.

Sometimes when people see a young lady accompanying an older gentleman
The fist thing that comes to mind, it is to get his money; that is her plan
No one ever stop to think that  there may be some love and mutual attraction
Some just close the book on the fact that it  is just an economical situation

Love can be many things and it can also  be so extravagant
Yes like most things there will be that side that is unpleasant
Because on person may be so seriously in love and quite deeply
The other may be superfluous and  treat the situation  flippantly

Tell me where have the romance the commitment to love gone
It seems like not want to sit together  a new  union is honed
Because seem so loving  one moment, and then later there is that report
Hey that happy couple of six months are now heading to the divorce court

It is apparent that some people see in love the merriment and happiness
They seemed not to want to appreciate the changes that may bring some sadness
So when any problem no matter how small come to the fore
Instead of talking, they will be quite busy heading for the door.

Yes some used love in the true sense of  a manipulation
To accentuation themselves  no matter  what into a certain position
And  if you are person who has the contact that they can benefit
For those moments you will be the most loved person on the planet

Others will tell you that to them  loving is so fruitful
Especially when they are given something that is tangible
And that they have no  qualms about taking any given  gifts
If by saying "I love you "  even if it is just a myth

Do you think this behavior is something emulated from the movie
Where changing partners is depicted  so often and  so easily
As they used  love and sex  as that means to an end
To throw into the face of someone they called a friend

So can we conclude that love as a  precious commodity
If being devalued  and depreciated  by being used so lowly
Is it that we have become so  greedy and materialistic
That we have battered and abused it  beyond it lower limit.

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