Poetic Verses


Some older folks made this as a confession
That if they had to ever become again a young person
That their would not refuse  in any of those instance
They get not to be willing and ready to take some chances

It is good that they  can  make this inference or reference
Because they have not that history of a life experience
If it were to happen rest assure that they will quite certainly
As  a creature of habit still be grounded in that  way  to move cautiously

It is now quite certain that those in an earlier generation
Would wish they now have those opportunities available to a younger person
I am sure that  they predecessors  would have  most certainly thought
That they  too were stunted by opportunities which were  naught

Well I am sure that sometime in that long life's journey
That it had to punctuated by some moment of a grand opportunity
But as a human being got  into pattern  and so hesitated
Whilst another  person of lesser ability too the chance  now for them life has greatly appreciated

Then too there would be a moment that you  thought better
About making a decision on a very important matter
You dragged your feet now time has now proven
That you indeed made the right decision.

A  later generation  will always be privy to many more amenities
That was not available to the one by whom they were precede
Even though perhaps whatever it was that  limited you opportunity
You are still alive and  now have the time to do that  manfully.

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