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 JANET'S PLANET      468533 Poems Read

Summer Days

Summer Days Pictures, Images and Photos
Summer days will grace us
in many splendid ways
with a gentle breeze
butterflies flutter
bright shining crown, the sky bluest of blues
at our bare feet will lay
lush green, thick blades of carpet
Summer wears a cool elegant attire
dressed only in the best
Summer gives us an assortment of colors
trees dance and sway reaching upwards
our gardens peep out
flowing waters flow free for all
tiny insects come out of hiding
crawling, flying, and swarming
flowers scent the air
blooming and smiling throughout the day
majestic hills and mountains
stand steadfast, tall, and proud
birds greet us with their cheerful songs
grateful we are for summer days
Summer gives us many special gifts
our spirits are lifted high
Summer gives us wings to fly
silently all dreams come true

©June 7, 2010 Janet Irene Griffin

Sing a song of Summer,
The world is nearly still,
The mill-pond has gone to sleep,
And so has the mill.
–William Cosmo Monkhouse (1840–1901)

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