iCry:` `( ToBeWithFaronWhoseHomeIsNowInHeaven

1,769,434 poems read

Freda Coddle©

This goes out to........
all the prudes that have crossed my path:
get ready to meet my wrath!!!!
Tired of some people with no respect at all,
they try to whip away parts of you till you feel so small.
I don't expect you to change just ease up on the reins a bit,
cause as tight as you pull it just don't seem fit.
I'm having my name changed legally,
cause this is how (i) expect to be.
I demand to be babied and pampered each and everyday,
and not have to watch what i do or say.
I wanna live free as the breeze,
and be able to act as i please.
Walking on eggshells cramps my style it's true,
and i indeed have better things to do.
So those of you out there on a high horse,
you best be rerouting your course.
You're gonna miss out on so much the world has in store,
so come down off it some&be saddled with tension no more.
If you can't respect me and my new name,
then just walk away on your own eggshells in shame!
Copyright ©2010~S@L


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You can't change everybody to your way you know......
but you can be happy if you just go with the flow!!!!