Poetic Verses


In the  pages  of history European settlers went to places far flung
On the pretext to sow the seeds of   Christianity  all around
But up to now in all my reading  I am still so astound
That no matter what, they lived in the better places which had fertile ground

Going to those places at that time with  superior technology
This sort of stupefied  the native   so completely
Thus taking no time in  establishing  some  enclaves
And during that process  made the indigenous  people their slaves

This invasion and the  success spread throughout the continent
 So people were attracted so easily to the settlement
Many went there with the one and only expressed wishes
To go and in  short time return home laden with riches.

As always  expansion always bring some form of labor demands
Also the climatic condition  cause them to see replenishment from another land
Therefore they turned to  supplement this force from the African continent
Readily fueling that tribal divide thus  giving some  tribes some form of inducement

Let us look at the continent Africa, blessed with culture diversity and  minerals
And  to cap it all off have some very large and exotic birds and animals
Take the then Rhodesia and its farming, South African noted for diamond
Check as far as  midway into the century who were in the  exalted position.

Then take a look at North America and  its earlier position
Most of the fertile land were under the occupation of the Indian
After may wars all very gory , even though the natives  fought with some conviction
They were finally controlled and forced to live in  seeming desert land called a reservation.

It is hard to find any race that at one time was mot subjected to any form of humiliation
Take for instance the Jews  they were biblically and  later the holocaust   indignation
Whilst other today stil  have to flee their  countries  with such  great trepidation
Because there is often  an ethnic cleansing  form of  dispensation.

187,067 Poems Read
