Poetic Verses

Life's Change

There are times when   youths tend to  show  signs of  being ambivalent
Perhaps this is  part of the throes  of  facing that stage of being an adolescent
Those moment as some of the remnants of  that  what was puberty
Can be  demonstrated by some moment of uncertainty and sensitivity

This seemingly precarious and  also vulnerable threshold
Will present moments of being sort of out of  control
 At such as stage when life's compass seems to be behaving erratic
Because it is in the force field of too may  vying  magnets

Yes there will be signs there that are oh  quite so obvious
Demonstrated by actions which show hint of being rebellious and  also cantankerous
Never wanting to enter any form of discussion or  pay any attention
Because  in that state believing to know the answers to any problem.

There is that delicate line between being a youth and  an adult
As always  this will present many problems to have to surmount
Whilst those biological hormones the system  they will invade
In moments other areas will they permeate and  readily pervade

Inexperience will bring about those  apparent bouts of  being indecisive
And often there is that opening to make some  bad choices
Most  certainly there can be times of being a victim of peer pressure
As they can see your  insecurity, thus having your  tolerance measure.

As some will be alert and therefore have that ever presence
To take advantage of your  charade, knowing  it is a penetrable fence
Because by your actions will  show that you have little experience
So therefore  you will present minimal  resistance to their challenge.

In this life there will be some one quite willing to persuade
This has been a ploy which  has been around for decades
So be prepared from home and as you grow used that power of observation
Because as always  they  have  even  employ  hybridization and diversification.

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