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 Through The Eyes Of A Poet...      767296 Poems Read

Justification, Exoneration!!

Yep, at last I have it!!
The truth really did come out!
In court the Judge said so!!
And said there wasn't any doubt!!

You see I've not been writing much,
Cos my head's been all over the place,
A fool in a land-rover crashed into my car,
And knocked me off my pace!

He's told so many lies you see,
And it's caused me so much pain!
Cos he blamed me for all of it,
And it was driving me insane!

He told so many different tales,
Of how the crash took place,
And then said more and more lies,
Oh really, we couldn't keep up the pace!

You see, these are the stories he gave;

 I was in a 2 lane slip-road to enter the motorway (freeway),
He was in the inside lane. (The left lane, over here.)
I was on the right hand lane. (Outside lane.)

1st reasons he gave;
There was a red car wobbling all over the place and made him crash into me.
It seems I drove into him from my right side lane and hit his car.
Then I was in his lane, he was in my lane, and I hit his car.
Then the red car made me crash into him.
Then he said he was parked up on the left lane.
Then he said he was sandwiched in-between me and the red car.
He told the Judge that the police did his 'drawing' and he had nothing to do with it...

Oooops, lol, big mistake!! You cant say that about the police!

I can't abide liars, I can't let someone call me a liar.
I am not a liar, I am a truthful person.
We went to court, why? Because I was innocent.
He thought he would get away with it, he was wrong.

The judge went mad at his solicitor after she brought my disabilities up.
Big mistake! It is discrimination! I never said he was able bodied!
She stated that I had a plate in my head.
She continues that I had 2 brain tumours removed.
She demanded to know had I informed the DVLA.
This is the driving licence office.
The Judge shot her down immediately!
He was on the stand first. He made a fool of himself.
I never took my eyes off him in the 4 hours we were there!
I was on the stand after him; I was calm, collect, and honest.

After we had given evidence, we left court to let the Judge decide.
When we were going back in, the liar held open the door...
I looked at him and shook my head as he beamed a smile!
He thought he'd won! But I had every faith in the Judge!

The Judge said in court;
‘If this lady had overtaken you on the outside lane,'
‘She would be SUICDAL! INSANE! MAD!'
The man cringed!

The Judge continued on, he deemed me 100% INNOCENT!
And deemed that man 100% guilty!
The Judge wasn't impressed with him! And let him know!
My dad always told me as a child;
‘If you are going to be a liar, you have to have a great memory.
If you always tell the truth, then you can never go wrong.

I am not a liar. I only tell the truth!
And as one of my poem proves...
The truth will always out!

If anyone lost their colour, he did, he paled in a heartbeat!

That man was hit with just on £20,000-00 in court fees!

Why? Because he decided to lie after admitting he hit me!
I can't have my name slated. I won't let anyone call me a liar!
He thought I was some kind of a wimp in a wheelchair!
He thought he could intimidate me.
He thought he could scare me off.
He thought I would let him get away with it!
He thought he could use my disabilities against me!
They tried, the Judge wouldn't allow it!
They had to apologise to the Judge for it!

I won the case, he was hit or thousands!
Done for driving without due care and attention.
Careless driving.
Points on his licence.
A fine. (Not the above.)
And he can even go to jail...
Maybe he will think next time, before he buries himself in a web of lies.

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