just thoughts 

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The mind thinks, there I am;
Calculating what is my path.
Usurping fully the authority;
Open to only what is logical.

Instead of unifying with my soul;
The mind attacks its ways.
Mocking the feeling of the heart;
Open to only what is logical.

I become blinded to the truth
Of who I am by this game.
The flight of thoughts scatter;
Open to only what is logical.

I sit in meditation in order to see;
To separate truth from distortion.
I begin to find the Fred within it all;
But my mind is oh so logical.

The monkey thoughts scamper;
Detached thoughts float through.
My mind rebels against this method;
For this is certainly never logical.

My mind simmers to a slow boil;
My soul has peace inside this calm.
I find myself in truth and presence;
Shaped by destiny, not always logical.


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