Seeing Red
Wicked things spoken, deceitful words said
Pave a path of destruction by those blind and misled
Fruits revealed on this path are dark fruits to dread …
Causing others nearby to start seeing red.
Flee from unrighteousness rise from your bed
Walk with The King and by Him only be led
Speak words of wisdom-- with compassion, instead
The only "red" we need to see is found in redemption -
From Christ's precious blood shed.
The words we need to hear and obey
He said for us this very day
So remember and trust always in Him
Who is The Light, The Word, The Truth and
Always follow Him – for He is The Way.
Colossians 1:14 In whom we have redemption through his blood,
even the forgiveness of sins:
Julie Pisacane © 2010
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