Poems From The Heart

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 The curse of the blood moon (A Halloween story)(Revised

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I remember it well..... Some friends and I had left my house to do a little fishing.  After hunting up a few crawdads,
in the creek next to my house, we were off on our adventure!

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We never really strayed to far from home, but on that day we did.  We followed that creek bed about three miles deep into the woods making our way through some very thick brush.

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All of us were bone tired!  We just stopped right there and started fishing!

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At that point we didn't even care if we caught anything, we were just too tuckered out to walk another step.

We were not doing so well fishing, we got a little bored as young boys sometimes do.  So we started exploring.  We happened to see an old farm house just past some tall weeds in the distance!

We were always taught never talk to strangers, but if it meant getting home to our warm beds, we figured
maybe we would take a chance, and see if they might have a phone we could use.

As we got closer to the house I remember feeling these weird vibes, like something wasn't right!  As you read on you will see, I should have went with my gut instinct and left then and there!

But we were dumb as a box of rocks back then.  As I stepped onto the porch, it creaked like stepping on a cats tail.  It scared the daylights out of us!

But that didn't keep us from knocking on the door, we knocked very hard!  All of the sudden the door just flung open almost like someone or something had given it a hard yank!

We yelled and nobody answered, which at this point I was kind of glad!  We went in, there were spider
webs all over everything!  And yes along with those webs were spiders, big ones!  I'm not talking daddylonglegs I'm talking huge hairy spiders with big hairy legs!

Needless to say we did not find a phone!  This place was just plain creepy, all we wanted to do now was leave!  As we were walking off of the porch I had noticed a small narrow path leading back to the woods.

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We chose to follow it,  just to see where it led us to.  anything had to be better then walking back through those bushes!  It seemed as though we walked forever!  The wooshhhhing  sound from the trees almost seemed to whisper to us.  But there was no wind.

As we neared the end of the path, I couldn't believe my eyes!  I was almost in shock!  For that path led us right to my backyard!  We played there everyday, and we had never seen this path before.  Its was like it just appeared from out of nowhere!

Well many years have long since past, we all just kind of forgot about that old house, and that botched fishing trip!

That was until one Halloween night!  Earlier in the day while preparing for a costume party slash beer bash.
I was mowing the lawn and that path again was very prevalent, it forced me to remember that day!
Well it is now Halloween night 2003, the moon was blood red that night!

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it was bitter cold, But we didn't care we would soon be consumed in alcohol.

The party was going great!  that was until we got a little to tipsy and started sharing ghost stories.  when it came my turn to tell a story I went blank!  that was until I remembered that path.

Blah...blah..blah......I told my story about the old house and so on.  But nobody believed me!  they just laughed at me!  And as none of the others were there to confirm my story, there was only one way to prove it!.

So I handed out flashlights and stormed down that path stomping and dared anyone to follow!  (never dare drunks) and off we went.  We walked into the darkness armed only with our handy dandy flashlights.

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One fellow drunk told a tail that involved a blood moon!  much like the one that was out that night.
the whole time we walked he mumbled bits and pieces of that story.

How a wolf had bitten a little boy, and the boy was never seen again yata..yata..yata and so on!
And how every Halloween night this boy transformed into a beast!
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And would feast upon animals!  He was captured and confined in chains, and left for dead.   On an old abandon farm after he had killed and eaten all of the farmers animals, the farmer and his family!

So just to scare everyone I led them to believe that this farm we were hiking to, was that very same farm!
as we were nearing the farm, Our flashlights began to dim out almost all at the same time!  By the time we had reached the house, we were in total darkness!

It was almost as if I had planned it!  The girls were screaming and all the guys were rooting through their
pockets for their lighters.  it was complete mayhem!  I was loving it!

And then it happened. We all heard the most blood curdling scream we had ever heard in our lives,  then growling and snarling.  and a dragging sound by the time we got a lighter lit.  all that was to be seen
was a blood stained drag marks, and one of the girls was missing!  we ran from the house into the weeds to look for her!

That's it this isn't funny anymore!  We have to go back!  I shouted!  As several others lit there lighters to see where the path was, It was Gone!  Vanished!  We were now stranded in the high weeds,  some hundred yards or so, from the farm house

We the figured that the safest place would be in the house!  so we headed back in that direction
The lighters soon burned out!

And once again we heard snarling and growling I had just lit my lighter in time to see some sort of hairy creature about to make a meal out of one of my other guests as we were all still in costume it was hard to tell who was who,
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but it was definitely a man, he was screaming at the top of his lungs, begging not to be eaten but it was too late!  It was the most horrible thing I had ever witnessed in my whole life!

I was so scared I ran to the only place I was sure led to home!  The creek bed!  I had left the others to fend for themselves.
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I ran as fast as I could through the thick bushes at the creeks edge! When I finally arrived at my back yard, scared to death!  There they were!  All of my friends laughing and Flicking their lighters, flashing flashlights and so on........

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The joke was on me!   Nobody had been killed at all, it was all staged, and I felt like such an ass!  

But I have to admit  that it was the greatest Halloween ever!

  Smiling Pumpkin Pictures, Images and Photos
                                                                                               Written by: Roy A. McGill
© All rights reserved  10/31/2006

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