Poetic Verses

Have that Dialogue

Why sit there quarrel ling and at each other verbally prod
 Take time  out, and convert this to form of dialogue
 This certainly will present a very good opportunity
 For both to put over points both logically and clearly.

 Getting there arguing, getting angry and resorting to name calling
 There nothing to achieve by resorting to attacks deem to be ad hominen
 Try to take control of oneselves, remember you will dispense lots of hot air
 And amid all that, the root of the real problem is still there.

 In some cases it is not what is said, but the manner
 This is sometimes what is interpreted by the hearer
 Who seem quite oblivious, to what is in the message
 But all that is obvious is the voice tone and body language.

 How often you can here that a person has a grouse
 With no other that a partner or closer a spouse
 Neither want to give in, nor want to compromise
 But later realise that talking civilly, is the best choice.

 Another thing that may make some persons to respond angrily
 Is when something is said that has some ambiguity
 There is one thought in the dispenser's mindset
 But to the hearer, there may be something else to interpret.

How often when speaking a different response  is evoke
 When the speaker said something, intending to be a joke
 But becomes uneasy, when there was nothing to indicate amusement
 Then may realize it has only generated a feeling of embarrassment.

 Sometimes supervisors in the  working atmosphere
 May issue a working order, that is not quite clear
 Before proceeding, elucidate that by asking a question
 So that this may cultivate a amicable working situation.

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