Dreams that hurt
duncan and ceizar chappell
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my ceizar your garden is the cure

hands to hold so tight for never to get cold with you by you side

walking in the parks of love clear skies above

flowers of such blooms

pinks so strong
red so out standing
little purple flowers dancing in the soft breeze
yellows shining with the suns glory

white flower celebrating their love in marriage

mixed flowers com binding to make a piece of art for all to see in their beds
of love

for your garden is so beautiful my ceizar for all to see

grape vines twisting around and around the building powerful look

trees so tall so proud showing their here to rule all in the garden

Grass's so green with little scatters of buttercups dreams

tropical plants so elegant saying look at us we are the kings of the garden

butterflies in the soft winds floating around us so beautiful in our eyes

honey bees dancing in the flowers nectar drunken love of the bees happiness for all to see

waterfalls shouting to the heavens call so pure for one and all

in your garden of love my ceizar i see a lady siting on the grass so pure i here a mans
call so strong

the call is me my ceizar telling you i love you forever in your heart of the cure

as i move close to you i see a smile so big eyes so wide
hair so beautiful a face so warm

i see a heart of the cure for love forever more

a lady in a dress so red so beautiful as i look at you i see the most precious

the most beautiful lady in the world

now your garden is so complete

for your the flower of the gardens heart to live to become so beautiful
without you the garden in no more your are the cure forever more my ceizar

now your garden is loved and will always fill your heart and my heart forever

this is for you my ceizar

i love you forever my wife

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