I went to Cornwall once again
My mind could simply not refrain
From reliving every moment dear
Of Sweep and his time spent here.
I remembered…..and I cried
He did enjoy himself I know
But the pain of missing him won`t go,
I see him everywhere I look
I know my pain could fill a book.
I remembered…..and I cried
I smile thru` the tears at things he did
He pleased himself to be quite candid,
He was as stubborn as could be
He quite often frustrated me.
I remembered…..and I cried
I would have him back faults and all
I wouldn`t change his nature at all,
If I did, Sweep wouldn`t be Sweep
Anything different would make me weep.
I remembered…..and I cried
I went to places he had been
Now it was quite a different scene,
No Sweep to lie beside my feet
As I sat on the wooden seat.
I remembered…..and I cried
It was just weeks before he died
I didn`t know he`d leave my side,
These thoughts were painful that`s for sure
And they just made me miss him more.
I remembered…..and I cried