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 Blessings of Destiny

This weekend reminded me of those seemingly simple acts;
Watching the ripple in the water of life from our small pebble.
Less than a dollar a day we monthly cast into the ocean of life;
Now seeing the harvest on this side, the blessings of destiny.

No longer the small hungry child we once sponsored in Kenya;
Mark has developed into a man thirsty for knowledge and life.
He was called to minister to the children in Kenya through love;
Open to the orphans, the HIV positive, the children of the streets.

The Jirani Project reaching out into the refugees, to those alone;
Growing with the support from many churches and universities.
Mark took that mustard seed of hope and watered it with love;
Becoming a man of his people, such are the blessings of destiny.

A gentle smile is on my face tonight, as I ponder the glory of life;
We never know the results of faithfulness; of the simplicity of love.
Now we begin our plan of a journey to meet with Mark's family;
High in the Kenyan grasslands in the northwest part of his nation.

To meet Mark's wife and his four children, each touching our soul;
To visit Mark in his homeland, to learn from those who inspired him.
Soon, Sherrie and I will have to complete this circle of brotherhood;
Coming to the full terms of a simple act, the blessings of destiny.


Written after spending a couple of days once again with the
young man we sponsored through Compassion International
so many years ago. This was our third meeting, each has
left us renewed and blessed. Now it is our turn… Kenya
is calling our names… softly, rhythmically, powerfully.


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